Range of services

We provide companies with support in human resources management to assist in:

  • HR interim management, leveraging 25 years of senior HR executive positions, ensuring fast replacement of an HR director and ensuring continuity of the HR function in case of an unexpected senior vacancy, either until the return of the incumbent or the hiring of a replacement which sometimes can take several months
  • HR audit every project aiming at increasing company effectiveness – in any area – should start by assessing the existing situation and formulating a diagnosis, followed by adequate recommendations of next steps.
  • age management and helping generations work together, including: a demographic analysis of the company and the ensuing projection for the next 5-10 years, taking into account the 50+ population, the generation mix and their influence on team effectiveness; according to the diagnosed needs, developing an action plan and the tools necessary for the company to face the demographic challenge of the coming years (effective utilization of experienced employees/experts, retaining specialized knowledge within the company and ensuring its transfer to younger employees, building a culture of generation continuity, developing a strategy of generation-sensitive customer service)
  • Thinking Before Acting – accelerating results and enabling change, which includes i.a.: workshops for management boards on the relationship between the company’s potential and its performance and on solutions aiming at accelerating results; tailored analysis of the company’ s situation, its needs and possible actions; workshops for managers enabling to improve the quality of the thinking behind decisions and management practices
  • developing new ventures: designing organizational structures, creating new procedures and policies, implementing HR information systems and talent management systems;  
  • transforming existing structures for modernization or corporate culture change: analysis of status quo, developing restructuring plans, implementation of new processes, design and implementation of internal communication, managing change in the HR department, changes in staffing levels, negotiation of collective agreements or other dealings with trade unions or employees’ council;  
  • merging companies with different corporate cultures: preparing merger plan or and/or change process, design of internal communication strategy, setting up training process for dealing with change, preparing and implementing staffing changes, support for managers with difficulty in coping with change;  

As well as:

  • individual consulting, mentoring and coaching for executives and senior managers:  executive coaching, coaching for high-potentials, support in managing behavioral and professional change, individual and group conflict resolution, support in adapting to change in the work environment;
  • design and implementation of talent management programs, for both graduates and mid-career managers;
  • temporary support to an HR department, either in elaborating the HR strategy or in implementing a specific project.

The above can be achieved within a variety of assignment types, ranging from one-on-one sessions to  specific stand-alone projects to longer-term contracts (interim management).